Frequently Asked Questions
Have a specific question that you are having trouble finding an answer to? We have compiled a list of answers to questions that we often receive from our supporters to help.
I live out of state; can I ship products to you?
You can ship products to us via USPS, UPS or FedEx. Please refer to our list of acceptable items and packing tips.
What’s your address?
2718 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99202
I live in Spokane; what are your hours?
We are open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where can I drop off products?
We have many partners in the Inland Northwest to collect donated products – you can find the nearest location here.
We want to do a drive for products; do you have posters/bins?
We love when companies and organizations do product drives on our behalf! If you contact us prior to your event, we can provide marketing materials.
What items are needed most?
We always need of personal hygiene items, including feminine hygiene, oral hygiene, deodorant, razors and shampoo and conditioner – check out our Amazon Wishlist to see what else we might currently need.
Do you have a list of products that you accept?
You can find our list of acceptable items here; we also have a printable list.
Can I get a receipt?
If you include your name and address with your product donation, we will mail you a donation postcard for your records. Please refer to IRS publication 561 (4/2007), Determining the Value of Donated Property to determine the value of your donation. For a quicker response, please include your email.
Who We Give To
What To Give
Drop Off